A closer look at the tools in Galil’s new software environment GDK

The Galil Design Kit (GDK) is Galil’s newest software environment that provides easy communication with Galil’s motion controllers and PLCs. Galil has recently introduced the new Scope and Tuner to GDK’s growing list of tools and capabilities. All tools are customizable by editing the XLM that’s located in the “More Options” menu at the top right corner of the GDK software.

GDK now includes the following six tools:

  • Scope:  emulates a traditional digital Oscilloscope.
  • Tuner:  assists the user in optimizing their system’s performance.
  • Terminal: send commands and receive responses from the controller.
  • Editor: write, save, and execute application programs.
  • Viewer: enables real-time viewing of the controller’s I/O status, motor position, and more.
  • Setup: read, edit, save, and restore all controller memory.

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Galil Now Provides Support for Linux

Support for Galil’s latest generation software has now been expanded to include Linux operating systems.
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